In the past year I’ve become a mother to two children and at 38, I’d never done a will. My husband and I have talked about estate planning, but have never actually sat down to do anything. It’s a very daunting task that makes you look your mortality straight in the eye, but it’s something that is even more important when you are responsible for the care of other people. You could seek the help of Farmington estate planning lawyers.
I was familiar with Willful and know a couple of people who have used them to create their own wills. I am a fan of anything that can be done easily online, but was a bit hesitant to do something like this myself. When I saw Willful was looking for Mom’s to try out their super easy to use online estate planning platform, I was on board to try it out. I was gifted the opportunity to draft a Couple’s Will for my husband and I in exchange for an honest review. I also got a sweet deal to share with you (**promo code below). It’s free to start and complete the paperwork and you pay once everything has been done.
I sat down last night to start the process and it actually was SUPER EASY! I filled in a questionnaire about my family, chose the names of trusted people to handle my affairs in the event that I am no longer here or incapacitated. It took me less than 10 minutes and that was it for my part.
My husband sat down tonight to do his part. He is not the most computer savvy person out there (sorry love!) and it took him about 5 minutes, his review is below:
“Great product! Took moments to complete and my wife is happy. I can hopefully go die in peace now (after cooking dinner).”
Now we need to print, sign and file our documents to make them legal. I feel good that we’ve finally done this and it’s piece of mind knowing that my family is taken care of.
So if you haven’t already completed your own estate planning / will, then here’s a promo code for $15 off any will plan. You can choose a will for a single person or couple. You really do need one if you are an adult and this is a quick and cost effective way of tackling the task. For my US friends, this is a Canada only service currently and I’ll be sure to let you know when they expand.
** Promo Code: BTSCARLY for $15 off any Wilfull plan**